Orange LED ========== The Orange LED on the Sensorian board can be used in Python by manipulating its GPIO pin. The following example shows how to blink the LED in Python. :: import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time P0 = 12 # LED pin """Setups the pins in BCM mode :param none: :returns none : """ def Init(): GPIO.setwarnings(False) # suppress GPIO used message GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # use BCM pin numbers GPIO.setup(P0, GPIO.OUT) # set LED pin as output """Turns on the LED on port P0 :param none: :returns none : """ def LEDon(): GPIO.output(P0, GPIO.HIGH) """Turns off the LED on port P0 :param none: :returns none : """ def LEDoff(): GPIO.output(P0, GPIO.LOW) """Sets the LED state as HIGH or LOW :param state: state of the LED, can be 1 for HIGH or 0 for LOW. :returns none : """ def SetLED(state): if state: LEDon() else: LEDoff() # if not used as a module (standalone), run this test program if __name__ == "__main__": Init() try: while(True): LEDoff() time.sleep(0.5) LEDon() time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Clean exit on CTRL-C") GPIO.cleanup() __author__ = "Dhimiter Qendri" __copyright__ = "Copyright Sensorian 2015" ::